What Do Percentage Numbers in Your Calculators Indicate? ✅

When you’re diving into your structural design results, you might notice something called the “Governing Factor Percentage.” This handy percentage shows how close your design is to its maximum capacity. :brick::mag:

For example, if a beam has a 30% governing factor, it means it’s using just 30% of its total strength. :muscle: If another beam has a 60% factor, it’s utilizing 60% of its capacity. In simple terms, a higher percentage means the beam is being used more efficiently. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

But what happens if you see a percentage over 100%? :rotating_light::scream: This indicates that the beam is exceeding its designed capacity. For instance, a 120% factor means the beam is being pushed beyond its safe limit, which could pose potential safety risks. :warning:

Understanding these percentages helps ensure your designs are both efficient and safe. If you have any more questions or need further insights, feel free to reach out! :raised_hands::wrench:

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