Hey, I have used ClearCalcs for a couple of projects now and something that keeps coming up as an issue for me is the shear calculation in concrete beams. For simplicity, the Shear Demand is calculated at the end of the beam. This can make a huge difference if the concrete beam is relatively deep or if there is a large shear demand on the beam when compared to analyzing Shear Demand at a distance d from the face of the supports (d being depth of the beam). In the Eurocode calculations, this becomes even more problematic since Eurocode 1992 6.2.2 (6) applies a significant reduction factor onto Shear Demand in unreinforced concrete members from loads placed within a distance of 0.5d to 2d (future slab calc/beams of less structural importance), on top of taking max shear demand at a distance d from the face of the support. An update to both the US and Eurocode beam Shear Demands would be nice, that way I can use the super awesome printed out report.
Thanks for your time.
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Hey @steejosh.
Thank you for your detailed feedback, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your insights.
You’re absolutely right about the differences in shear demand calculations, particularly when comparing the current approach in ClearCalcs to both ACI 318 and Eurocode (EN 1992-1-1. The shear demand at the beam ends can indeed be conservative, especially for deeper beams.
I’ve shared your feedback with our engineering team, and we’ve added this to our feature request list and will notify you once it is added to our concrete beam calculator.