Apply loads to panel for each storey, provide lifting details and panel design ALL to Aus Standards please.
Hi @brownden! Thanks for reaching out to us again and for sharing this feature idea. This sounds like it would be incredibly helpful, though it’s quite a time-consuming feature to develop from scratch. Currently, we have a few other priorities in the pipeline, so it may take some time before we could implement this. But rest assured we’ll keep you updated.
To help us understand and prioritise this feature better, it would be great if you could tell us a bit more about:
- The types of projects where this feature would be most useful (e.g., residential, commercial)?
- How frequently it would come up in your workflow, and if there are any related calculations or details you’d need alongside it?
Please feel free to share any other feature ideas you’d like to see in ClearCalcs, too! We’re always eager to hear feedback to keep the platform as useful as possible.
2 Storey Tiltup is a commercial application. I come across the need for this work obout once per month
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