Do you use Change Material frequently in your projects?

We’re keen to understand the different ways our users use the Change Material feature in ClearCalcs.

The Change Material feature lets you swap material from wood, steel, or concrete quickly from your existing beam or column calculation without having to start from scratch.

Some of our users use the Change Material feature to save them time, such as:

  • Setting up global templates for projects and using the Change Material feature based on the client’s requirements.
  • Using it to offer cost-effective alternatives to customers.
  • Quickly responding to contractor’s questions when the specified system is not available

Do you use the Change Material feature at all in your workflow? Share with us by replying in the thread! :point_down:t4:

I use it quite often, looking for a better cost alternative or fit in the amount space available.


Thanks for the feedback Brent! How are you assessing cost alternatives when you’re thinking about this? If you’re swapping to steel for example are you just working off weight, or are you taking into account other factors or local catalogues etc? Curious to learn how you think about this so we can improve it further.

I use the change material option when copying beams to compare, for example, a steel beam to a wood beam in residential construction. Many builders are hesitant to use steel, but this gives me a quick and easy option to compare the two and recommend the best option for each situation, even when they don’t ask for it.