Improving Inclined Beams: Load & Location Inputs for Plan & Inclined Orientations πŸ“

We are excited to announce several new features and improvements to our beam calculators, aimed at providing more flexibility and accuracy in load and support input options. Here’s a detailed overview of the updates:

New Features

  1. Adjusted Load and Support Location Inputs Based on Plan or Inclined Length

You can now input both load and support locations based on either the plan length (horizontal) or the inclined length. This provides more flexibility and accuracy in defining load distribution and support points. :dart::hammer_and_wrench:

  1. Support for Load Magnitude Inputs Based on Plan and Inclined Orientations

You can now input load magnitudes based on either the plan length or the inclined length, offering more precise control over load calculations. :triangular_ruler: The orientation options now include Gravity-Plan, Gravity-Inclined, and Aligned.

When considering gravity loads, you can choose between two specific orientations:

  • Gravity-Plan: Refers to loads applied over the plan length, which is the horizontal projection of the structure.
  • Gravity-Inclined: Refers to loads applied over the inclined length, which is the actual sloped length of the structure.

These orientations affect how load magnitudes are calculated and applied in structural models.

These enhancements are now available in the following calculators:

  • Timber Beam (ASD)
  • Timber Beam (LRFD)
  • Steel Beam (ASD)
  • Steel Beam (AISC - LRFD)
  • CFS Steel Beam (AISI)

We believe these updates will significantly improve your experience and accuracy in structural calculations.

You can also check this short LOOM Video: