Masonry Wall Calculator (US) - Share you inputs with us!

Are you designing with masonry wall calculator? If so, we want your input here!

We are planning our calculator development for the year and one of the most requested features is to update the Masonry Gravity Wall Calculator.

If you’re designing masonry gravity wall, share with us:

  • How are you currently doing the calculation (manual or hand calculation, other software)?
  • What are you trying to achieve with the calculation, i.e., capacity check, member selection/quantity, etc?
  • What is your workflow when you design a masonry gravity wall, is it as part of a complete residential structure, a one-off design project, etc.?

Share your answers below, and we’ll incorporate them into our planning over the next few weeks!

Some of the updates already requested from users are outlined below.

Adding an option button for reinforcement requirement

Within the masonry wall calculator, you need to have the option to call out both horizontal reinforcements as in Bond Beams and vertical reinforcement. Also, you might want to have a place to indicate if joint reinforcement is being used or not along with what type of joint reinforcement - ladder or truss. Plus, will need a choice of what size of joint reinforcement 9 gauge or 3/16" diameter.

“It also seems like there should be a button to tick to check for “special” reinforcing requirements, so you don’t run afoul of code requirements for those”

Enable line load linking

But, every now and a then, along the flood zones we have along the coast line, we have to build a wall that can withstand flood loading. On this project, it is an elevator shaft that needs to be designed to withstand hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, and breaking wave loading.

Adding parapet or cantilevered support/freestanding conditions

I’m designing a freestanding CMU wall that will be about 7 feet high and 90 feet long. I started using the “CMU Wall” and “Wall Footing” and Seismic Analysis calcs/modules.I’ve already gone to ASCE and have that report. (Someday CC will make that entirely integrated).My question is: When it comes to designing the seismic load on said freestanding CMU wall, do I use the Seismic Analysis Module, then select “Seismic Force Resisting System: 7 – Special Reinforced masonry Shear walls” or is there some load link in the CMU wall section?Methinks:1. If it is in the Seismic Module, there’s a lot of hunting to find “7. Special reinforced……”
2. If it’s in the CMU wall module under “loads”, then it’s not very intuitive. I was/am hoping that I can load-link from the seismic analysis to the CMU calcs, but I’m not there yet. It looks like I’d have to hand-calc from a YouTube video like I did with the “surcharge” load to a restrained basement wall. Laurent knows about that one!
3. That there’s an easier option that you know of that I don’t.

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Most of the time my CMU walls are not just gravity walls, but also function as shear walls. I currently use mostly hand calculations and a little bit of Enercalc to run capacity checks for in plane shear, out-of-plane, and gravity loading. These walls are generally the main lateral force resisting system of a new building I’m designing, but occasionally I run into situations where I need a capacity check of an existing wall.

What clearcalcs could do to be more helpful:

  1. Add Lintel Calculator (there are currently no calculators for this).
  2. Add Masonry Cantilever Walls (e.g. for sound fencing or trash enclosures - the one situation where you don’t need openings!)
  3. Amend Gravity wall calculator to include in plane shear
  4. Amend Gravity wall calculator to include openings (and perhaps perform a rigidity analysis for load distribution/reinforcing to piers)
  5. Amend Gravity wall calculator to include Parapets (It’s hard to get away from parapets on masonry buildings)
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