One-Way Slab Calculator (US) - Share your inputs with us!

Are you designing with one-way slab? If so, we want your input here!

We are planning our calculator development for the year and one of the most requested is the One-Way Slab Design Calculator.

If you’re designing with one-way slab, share with us:

  • How are you currently doing the calculation (manual or hand calculation, other software)?
  • What are you trying to achieve with the calculation, i.e., capacity check, member selection/quantity, etc?
  • What is your workflow when you design a one-way slab, is it as part of a complete residential structure, a one-off design project, etc.?

Share your answers below, and we’ll incorporate them into our planning over the next few weeks!

Some of use cases highlighted by ClearCalcs users below.

I am attempting to determine the usefulness of this product for swimming pool slab and wall thickness and steel calculations. Do you have a sample that I can compare?

I am trying to use this software for slab design. A continuous one-way slab, 101 feet long and 20’ wide. Three steel beams, 101’ feet long, 10’ apart, support the slab. The beams are supported by friction piles (H-Piles). But all I’m trying to use this software to work with in this case is to test the concrete.

We frequently have to check the capacity of an existing concrete slab for temporary construction loads (uniform loads and concentrated point loads from things like forklifts). Currently we model it in IES Concrete Bending but it’s not very easy to use.

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Thanks for your feedback here @RonRoberts!

@lgerin or @tara.memarian will follow up here if they have any follow up questions for you. :raised_hands:t5:

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Thanks for you input @RonRoberts, and welcome to our Blueprint Community!

Currently we model it in IES Concrete Bending but it’s not very easy to use.

We completely understand the need for a simple module. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure we’ll create a calculator that’s so easy to use that even a forklift could operate it haha

Thank you :pray:

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Hey Ron, just letting you know we’ve now released our beta version of our concrete slab! Would love to hear your thoughts!

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