Custom Load Combo in addition to Standard

If I select a code (say, 2022 CBC), it seems like it would be nice to be able to add a combination or two to the list of defaults that it provides. For instance, there is no deflection check for seismic loading, but such checks are required by my local jurisdiction (and are good practice to perform anyway).

Hello Math Guy!
I hope you’re doing well! Regarding your inquiry, you can create custom load combinations by selecting the option within our platform (as shown in the image below). However, if you’re referring to adding combinations to the already defined default lists, I’d be interested to understand in which specific cases this would be more beneficial than creating custom combinations directly. This information would help us better refine the feature to fit your needs.

Regarding your comment on seismic deflection checks:

I’ve added this to our list of potential enhancements, as it aligns with good engineering practice and could benefit other users as well.

Please note that while we prioritize our work based on feedback from users like you, we have competing priorities. If you need this feature to be implemented urgently, we offer customized development options, which would allow us to give your request special attention and prioritize it.

If you’re interested in exploring this option further, let us know, and we can discuss the details. We’d also love to hear any other suggestions or features you’d like to see in our software, as your input is crucial to helping us improve the platform.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Best regards,
Juan Pablo

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Hi Juan Pablo,

Yes, I’ve created all custom combos on all my projects because of this issue. (Embarrassingly, it was pointed out by a planchecker - not caught prior to that point by me - that seismic deflections were not being considered).

However, if I’m using custom combination for my “design code”, it’s unclear what (if any) code checks are performed for other aspects of the design (e.g. minimum reinforcing), and it forces the planchecker (and me) to be extra careful reviewing all combinations, rather than “ok, you’ve got all the normal stuff, plus a couple extra combinations that you’re checking, too” … of course, that can backfire… my overzealous plancheckers could easily think: “wait, if clearcalcs wasn’t checking that by default, what else aren’t they checking…”

Right now, all the calculators show design code “custom load combinations” for me, and I’d like that to show the actual governing codes (for me: 2022 California Building Code and whatever the relevant standard is for the material).



Hello MathGuy,

Thank you for your message! I understand your need to customize load combinations, especially with deflection checks for seismic loading as required by your local jurisdiction. While there isn’t an automatic way to add specific combinations to the default list at the moment, what I can suggest is creating a base project with all your required load combinations set up. It might take some time initially, but you only need to do it once. Afterward, you can simply duplicate the project whenever needed, avoiding the repetitive setup.

However, I’ve added this to our list of potential enhancements. Please understand that while we prioritize our work based on feedback from users like you, we also have other competing priorities. As a result, it may take some time to implement this feature.

Best regards,
Juan Pablo

Yes, I’m aware of this “duplicate project” thing, and have been using that. While doing this, I’ve encountered other bugs when upgrading to the latest calculators after duplicating.

This also doesn’t solve the baseline issue: trust between me, my plancheckers, and your output as outlined in the post above.