"Sticky" property of "Detailed" vs. "Standard" view

If I switch to “detailed” calculator view, go to a different calculator, then re-open the first calculator, it reverts back to “standard” view… this should just stay with whatever my last selection was.

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Hi @themathguy, thanks for sharing your feedback! ClearCalcs defaults to Standard mode as most users prefer it for quick calculations, but as a structural engineer myself I’m also a “math guy” and like seeing all equations from Detailed mode. I’ll discuss your suggesting with the team and will keep you posted :slight_smile:

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Hi @themathguy! Great news! Our development team has implemented the feature you requested, so the calculator will now retain your view selection and no longer revert to “Standard” mode. This update should be published in the next few days. Thank you again for sharing your feedback and helping us make ClearCalcs even better for everyone!

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Sweet, thanks for the update! I wish they were all this easy, haha!