Welcome and Start here!

Welcome to the Blueprint community! :wave:

We are so excited to have you here and we hope that you find this space a place to grow, learn, and make new connections. :handshake:

Take a moment to tell us about yourself:

  • What name do your friends know you by?
  • How would you best describe the work that you do?
  • What is something that has got you curious recently?
  • What do you want to build with ClearCalcs?

If you need help with ClearCalcs, check out one of our other categories:

  • Are you stuck and need advice? Ask for guidance in Ask for Help
  • Found something broken in the platform? Let us know in Report a Bug
  • Want to request a new feature? Share your ideas in Feature Requests

We look forward to seeing what you bring to our community! :sparkler:

Happy Saturday and here’s the roundup #1 for this week at Blueprint!

Welcome to our new members @PG218, @sunman_42, and @GeorgiMinkov. Be sure to say hi and introduce yourself in this channel! :wave:t4:

Thank you @lgerin and @tara.memarian for your intro! We look forward to seeing more of you in the Blueprint community.

@anna.wan shared a customer feature request on multiple openings for shear wall design . If this is something you want to see implemented in ClearCalcs, be sure to add your comments or reactions to the topic.

@tara.memarian is curious about your thoughts on the envelope linking feature we recently introduced in our wind load calculator. Make sure to let her know what you think!

Finally, remember that you can ask questions in the Ask for Help channel. Any of the Blueprint community can help you answer the questions or one of our engineers will! :person_raising_hand:

We are stoked to have you here!

A slightly belated roundup #2 for the week as I was out camping here in Western Australia :camping:, but better late than never!

Welcome to our new members @Robert, @cce.mk, @JBaker, @mmbarber, @jimfanjoy, @GBoso, @Paul, and @prairiepsalmSE - be sure to say hi in Introduce Yourself channel!

@sunman_42 asked a great question about how to add wind load to exterior beams in Ask for Help, and thank you @lgerin, for jumping in quickly there with your suggestion.

We asked everyone to share your most challenging or scary design project as part of our :jack_o_lantern: Halloween Design Challenge, and @Paul was quick to jump in and share what he did
to remove two W14 columns on the first floor of a 5-story office building - kudos @Paul! :clap:t4:

If you have a challenging project that worked on and you can share with the community, please share them!

Finally, remember that you can ask questions in the Ask for Help channel. Any of the Blueprint community can help you answer the questions or one of our engineers will! :person_raising_hand:

We are stoked to have you here!

Another week, here’s roundup #3 for the Blueprint community! Reporting here from sunny but very humid Perth. :sunny:

Welcome to our new member @Brent - and be sure to say hi to @Robert in the Introduce Yourself channel, sculling sounds like a great activity to do in Oregon. :rowing_man:t4:

@anna.wan shared some new calculation requests from ours users in Feature Requests channel, and thanks @PG218 for chiming in with your inputs.

Remember, you can suggest and vote for new ClearCalcs features and calculators here in the forum. Either create a new topic for a new feature or calculator requests or add your comments to existing ones - the more details we have on how you use it and what you need it for, the better we can prioritize our product development!

See you in the next one! :wave:t4:

Denis and an Australian Engineer lots of fun in engineering

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Welcome to the community @brownden! We’re looking forward to learn more about all the fun things you’re engineering :wave:t4:

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