What is your favorite feature from Enercalc?

Hi everyone,

I’m currently researching to write a resource on how to use Enercalc. From a structural engineer’s perspective, I’m curious to hear your top #1 feature from Enercalc that you use most frequently and get the most value from.

This can be a specific calculator module or a specific feature, such as the ability to copy and paste loads, etc.

I haven’t used Enercalc in years but I do recall that the simple beam calculator with combined loads acting on multi-spam beams was handy and the output easy to review. But you all have that now.

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And I still see messages on here I never noticed before, hence my very delayed response.

I’m pretty much all in on clearcalcs and only have Enercalc for one project that will use gabion retaining walls.

I’m curious to hear more about your use case of gabion retaining walls here @PG218:

  • How often do you come across the need to use the gabion retaining walls calculator in Enercalc? Once every few months or a year?
  • Is this the only calculator preventing you from migrating fully into ClearCalcs?

Rarely. It’s a special project that I will complete two like this in the upcoming year with the potential for more in the future.

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I ditched Enercalc a very long time ago. I recall they had a major upgrade (can’t recall but it was when they were migrating to a new platform (version 6 maybe) The product didn’t justify the fees so I switched to Strucalc. And then they went through their own implosion of sorts and started charging customers to use the product they had already purchased outright (version 10?).

And here I am… So, I was going to say that load linking is the best feature; but as i write this, I am also thinking that honesty, continuity, and ongoing development of the product are all also very important.

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Enercalc has the best retaining wall calculators since they bought Retainpro software. They also have other calculators not currently offered in clearcalcs.